boost hgh naturally
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Boost HGH Human Growth Hormone Naturally

Human growth hormone (HGH) plays a vital role is staying young, long after you’ve finished growing. HGH is a product of the pituitary gland, the master gland of the body. As the name implies, it promotes linear growth in children and adolescents. After the body stops growing taller, levels of HGH decline and often become very low in adult life.

HGH has effects on body composition, not just growth; it also plays an important role in metabolism. It first begins to decline at age 30, and decreases by 2% every year after that. When you don’t have enough growth hormone, you may experience an increase in belly fat, sagging skin and a decrease in muscle mass. The goal is to keep your HGH at an optimum level as you age so you can retain youthfulness as late into life as possible.

The off-label use of human growth hormone (HGH) has spawned a multi-billion dollar industry. The most common way to make up for human growth hormone deficiency is by injection. But these shots are highly controversial. Some doctors see it as a fountain of youth; others are staunchly opposed and fear the risks. The FDA has not approved the use of human growth hormone as an anti-aging therapy.

However, there are safe alternatives to naturally boost your growth hormone – without a visit to the doctor or injections. In addition to the following, remember that exercise, especially strength training, is also a powerful stimulant for growth hormone secretion.

Natural HGH Booster #1: Fenugreek

Early studies show that this vegetable, popular in Asia, stimulates the release of growth hormone and can boost energy levels. Steam fenugreek herbs or enjoy as a tea.

Natural HGH Booster #2: L’Arginine

This amino acid stimulates the release of the growth hormone from the pituitary gland. Take it in supplement form: 2 grams, three times a day.

Natural HGH Booster #3: A Sleep Mask

You release the most growth hormone while you sleep. Use a sleep mask to block out light, allowing melatonin, the sleep hormone, to surge, and get a deeper, more restorative sleep.